The Charismatic Motivator
The Charismatic Motivator

People with the Charismatic Motivator personality type tend to be caring, warm, and giving. They are often natural leaders and are very good at taking care of other people. They enjoy being around others and often put the needs of others above their own. Charismatic Motivators are often good at reading people and can be very persuasive.  

Charismatic Motivators are usually good at understanding how other people are feeling and can be very helpful in difficult situations. They are often good at mediating conflicts and helping others to see both sides of a situation. Charismatic Motivators tend to be optimistic and enthusiastic, and can be very motivating to others.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Extraverted individuals focus their attention out into the world. They are stimulated and brought to life through their interactions with others and their environments. They are often more excitable than their introverted counterparts.


Intuitive individuals see the world through various perspectives and imagine what could be as much as what there is. Their curiosity and imagination allow them to see possibilities others may not. 


Feeling individuals value the emotional aspects of humanity and nature. They are highly empathetic and aware of those around them and will often sacrifice their own goals to ensure harmony in the community.


Judging individuals make decisions and move forward. They are direct, organized and diligent. They prefer clear goals and structured environments. 


Charismatic Motivators are often described as charismatic, outgoing, and articulate. They are natural leaders who can easily motivate and inspire others. They have a strong sense of morality and always try to do what is right. Charismatic Motivators are usually very organized and have a clear vision for the future. They are good at making decisions quickly and usually prefer to take charge in any situation. Additionally, Charismatic Motivators are typically good at reading other people’s emotions; they can usually tell how someone is feeling just by looking at them. This empathy allows Charismatic Motivators to be excellent communicators who can easily build relationships with others.


  • Enthusiastic
  • Compassionate
  • Charismatic
  • Persuasive
  • Organized
  • Supportive
  • Service-Oriented


Charismatic Motivators are gifted with a lot of charisma, but this same trait can also be seen as overbearing or manipulative. They may have a tendency to steamroll over others in pursuit of their goals. Their persuasive nature can be put to good use, but it can also be used to exploit the trust of others. They may find themselves in positions of power that they have not earned and use their influence in unethical ways. Another downside of their Charismatic Motivator personality is that they are constantly seeking validation from others. They need to feel needed and appreciated in order to feel good about themselves. This can lead to codependent relationships and a general feeling of insecurity.


  • people-pleasing
  • over-emotional
  • easily offended
  • high expectations
  • controlling
  • manipulative
  • needy


Charismatic Motivators need to feel they are making a difference in the world and working towards a higher purpose. They thrive in careers that allow them to help others, such as teaching, social work, and counseling. Charismatic Motivators also do well in careers that require them to be creative and expressive, such as marketing, writing, and the arts. They enjoy working with people and often have excellent people skills.  

Charismatic Motivators may do well in roles that involve:  

  • Helping others
  • Creativity
  • Working with people

Work with others

Charismatic Motivators are quite effective at understanding and empathizing with others, and they use this ability to bring out the best in people. Charismatic Motivators are able to get along with most people, and they are usually good at creating a positive working environment. They often have many ideas and can be very persuasive when it comes to getting others on board with their vision. Charismatic Motivators also tend to be good at organizing and planning, which makes them valuable assets during the early stages of a project.

Avoid these professions

While there are many great professions for Charismatic Motivators, some may not be a good fit. Charismatic Motivators may want to steer clear of occupations that require them to work with data or details instead of people. They may also want to avoid chaotic or unstructured environments.

Some possible careers for an Charismatic Motivator include:  

  • Art
  • Entertainment
  • Journalism
  • Retail Sales
  • Public Relations


Charismatic Motivators loves to love and be loved. They are warm, charismatic partners that appreciate sincerity and depth in their relationships. They want to feel like they are a part of a team with their partner, working towards a common goal. The Charismatic Motivator is often quick to put their partner's needs before their own and can be easily wounded if their partner does not reciprocate the effort. They have an incredible capacity for giving of themselves and appreciate a partner that can reflect that back to them.

Parenting style

Charismatic Motivator parents are driven by their compassion and generosity, which often drives their parenting style. They want their children to feel loved and accepted for who they are, and they strive to provide a supportive home life. Charismatic Motivators often have a lot of rules and structure in their home, expecting their children to willingly follow them. Charismatic Motivators also tend to be very involved in their children's lives, steering them towards activities that align with the family's values. While Charismatic Motivators may seem overbearing at times, ultimately they just want what is best for their children.

Spirit Animal


The eagle represents freedom and courage, which are both valuable things for the Charismatic Motivator. They take on so much at once and do sometimes need a little extra support to continue pushing through the struggles they endure. Charismatic Motivators care for those around them and at times they forget to care for themselves. The eagle helps to show them it is okay to take time for themselves, to feel a sense of independence from those around them for the time being. This isn’t always an easy lesson for the Charismatic Motivator to learn but it is still an important one. When the eagle comes to them it is teaching them about their own inner strength and their sense of resilience. Charismatic Motivators have a means of overcoming things and pushing through even when it seems like they should be falling apart. The eagle really is part of their spirit, and the Charismatic Motivator does best when they connect with this animal.