The Practical Helper
The Practical Helper

People with the Practical Helper personality type tend to be compassionate, reliable, and hard-working. They often put the needs of others before their own, and are always looking for ways to help out.

Practical Helpers are usually good at following rules and procedures, and like to stick to familiar routines. They can sometimes be shy or withdrawn, but usually only around people they don’t know well. Practical Helpers are typically loyal friends and family members, and are always ready to lend a helping hand.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Introverted individuals focus their attention internally (often day-dreaming or in deep thought). As excessive external stimulation can be draining, these individuals often seek out calmer and more isolated environments.


Observant individuals interpret the world through their five senses. As such they are extremely practical and down to earth. They also are highly experiential and learn from their previous mistakes and successes.


Feeling individuals value the emotional aspects of humanity and nature. They are highly empathetic and aware of those around them and will often sacrifice their own goals to ensure harmony in the community.


Judging individuals make decisions and move forward. They are direct, organized and diligent. They prefer clear goals and structured environments. 


Practical Helpers are often described as compassionate, loyal, and hardworking. They have a strong sense of duty and always try to do what is best for their family and friends. Practical Helpers are usually very reliable and can be counted on to keep their word. Additionally, they typically have a good memory for details and can be quite observant. This attention to detail allows them to be excellent at taking care of practical matters. Practical Helpers usually prefer to stick with familiar routines and may have difficulty with change. However, this same stability can also be seen as a strength, as it allows Practical Helpers to be very dependable.

  • Loyal
  • Caring
  • Patient
  • Practical
  • Organized
  • Stable/ reliable


Practical Helpers are incredibly loyal and dedicated, but this same trait can also be seen as clingy or smothering. They may have a hard time letting go of things or people that are no longer a part of their life. They may also find themselves sacrificing their own needs for the sake of others. This can lead to burnout and resentment. Another downside of the Practical Helper personality is that they are a bit of a perfectionist. They have high standards for themselves and those around them. This can make it difficult to relax and enjoy life. It can also make them seem inflexible to others.

  • Quiet
  • Sensitive
  • Easily offended
  • Private
  • Not outspoken
  • Traditional
  • Not comfortable with change


Practical Helpers need a sense of connection with people and they thrive in work environments that are supportive and caring. They enjoy being able to help others and care for them, making Practical Helpers excellent nurses, social workers, and teachers. They also do well in careers that have a lot of contact with the public, such as sales or customer service. When learning new things, Practical Helpers are best served when the material is presented in an orderly fashion and provides personal connection and support.  

Practical Helpers may do well in roles that involve:

  • Structured & orderly environments
  • Personal connections and support
  • Accuracy/ consistency

Work with others

Practical Helpers are typically supportive and helpful to their colleagues. They will take care of the necessary behind-the-scenes tasks so that others can focus on their work. They are good at anticipating needs and like to keep everything running smoothly. They often have a long memory for people’s likes, dislikes, and preferences. This makes them especially good at creating a comfortable work environment for everyone.  They are usually very patient and good listeners, which makes them excellent team members.

Avoid these professions

While there are plenty of great professions for Practical Helpers, there are some that we would recommend that they avoid. Practical Helpers may not excel in high-stress or impersonal environments, and may not enjoy careers with a lot of rules or structure.

Some of the careers below might be a poor fit for Practical Helpers:

  • Management  
  • Banking  
  • Medicine  
  • Engineering  
  • Accounting


Practical Helpers are often seen as the glue that holds relationships together. They are loyal to a fault, patient and incredibly supportive of their partners. Practical Helpers take great pleasure in taking care of others and want a partner that appreciates their efforts.They can be somewhat inflexible in their thinking, but this usually only becomes an issue when it comes to values they hold dear. Practical Helpers are tremendously practical individuals and find meaning in traditions and commitments made within relationships. They appreciate a partner that is loving, supportive, and understanding.

Parenting style

Practical Helper parents are highly devoted to their families. They strive to provide a stable and nurturing environment for their children, often with a lot of attention to detail. These parents typically have high expectations for their children's behavior and can be very critical if they do not meet these expectations. Practical Helper parents put their children's needs before their own and are often quick to forgive any wrongdoings. They teach kindness, compassion and the importance of taking care of others through gentle instruction and example.

Spirit Animal


Loyal, protective, and intelligent, penguins have a lot of qualities in common with Practical Helpers! These arctic birds have complex social abilities and will go to great lengths to take care of each other. They also have a remarkable memory for detail – returning to the same spot year after year and being able to find it, even if the landscape has changed or it’s surrounded by other colonies. Like Practical Helpers, penguins are also fiercely loyal, staying monogamous and recognizing their partners’ song, even in noisy colonies where hundreds of penguins are searching for each other.