The Innovative Thinker
The Innovative Thinker

People with the Innovative Thinker personality type tend to be introverted, analytical, and curious. They are often deep thinkers and enjoy spending time alone exploring their own thoughts and ideas. Innovative Thinkers are often interested in theoretical or abstract concepts and can be found debating the finer points of these ideas with others.  

Innovative Thinkers are often described as being detached from the world around them. This is because they often prefer to live in their own minds, lost in thought. This can sometimes make Innovative Thinkers appear aloof or uninterested in the people and things around them, but generally they just need some time alone to process everything that is going on.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Introverted individuals focus their attention internally (often day-dreaming or in deep thought). As excessive external stimulation can be draining, these individuals often seek out calmer and more isolated environments.


Intuitive individuals see the world through various perspectives and imagine what could be as much as what there is. Their curiosity and imagination allow them to see possibilities others may not. 


Thinking individuals value logic and reasoning over emotions and feelings. They understand how things connect to each other. The less tangible aspects of their day can be difficult for thinkers to fit into their rational equations of life.


Prospecting individuals are highly adaptable and don’t like to be closed into a box. They prefer to have flexibility and the opportunity for spontaneous creation. 


People with the Innovative Thinker personality type are logical, curious, and systematic thinkers. They take a detached, analytical approach to problem solving and are often quick thinkers. Innovative Thinkers are usually good at multitasking and keeping track of many moving parts simultaneously. Additionally, Innovative Thinkers are often good at understanding complex systems and how they work. They have a clear vision of what needs to be done and are confident in their ability to see things through.

  • Analytical
  • Inventive
  • Original
  • Strategic
  • Logical
  • Objective
  • Skeptical
  • Independent


Innovative Thinkers are prone to overthinking things and getting lost in their own heads. This can make them seem aloof or disconnected from the people around them. They may have a hard time finishing what they start, as they are always second-guessing themselves and looking for ways to improve. This perfectionism can be paralyzing and prevent them from ever feeling satisfied with their work. Innovative Thinkers may also find themselves in conflict with others, as they are quick to point out flaws in other people's ideas. Their bluntness can be seen as arrogant or insensitive, and they may have trouble keeping their opinions to themselves.

  • Reserved
  • Unassertive
  • Detached
  • Uninvolved
  • Unemotional
  • Aloof
  • Introverted
  • Permeable


Innovative Thinkers need to be able to think independently and come up with new ideas, theories or solutions. They also need a great deal of flexibility and freedom to explore these ideas. Because Innovative Thinkers are constantly learning and exploring, they do best in careers that allow for a high degree of change and variety. They also tend to do well in careers that involve problem-solving, analysis and working with complex systems.

Innovative Thinkers may do well in roles that involve:  

  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Variety  
  • Personal space

Work with others

Innovative Thinkers are typically analytical and logical in their thinking, and this can sometimes make it difficult for them to understand others. They may have a hard time empathizing with people, and they may not always be good at communicating their ideas. However, Innovative Thinkers are usually very intelligent and insightful, and they can be a valuable asset to a team if they are able to find a way to work effectively with others.

Avoid these professions

Innovative Thinkers may have a harder time than some other types in choosing a profession, as they are not naturally drawn to any one area. However, there are a few careers that we would recommend they avoid. These include high-stress or unpredictable fields, as well as those with a lot of interpersonal interaction. Additionally, Innovative Thinkers may not enjoy working in environments with a lot of rules or regulations.

Some of the occupations below may be poor fits for an Innovative Thinker:

  • Law
  • Politics
  • Sales  
  • Journalism  
  • Management


Innovative Thinkers are analytical and abstract thinkers who crave knowledge and understanding. They are drawn to relationships that stimulate their minds and offer intellectual stimulation. Innovative Thinkers prize independence in themselves and in their partners, so they are often hesitant to commit to any one relationship. However, once they do commit, Innovative Thinkers stay loyal and committed to their partners. They enjoy problem-solving together and exploring new ideas and concepts with their partner. People who violate the trust or expectations of an Innovative Thinker can quickly lose their respect.

Parenting style

Innovative Thinker parents are often intellectual and laid back, valuing independence and critical thinking in their children. They strive to create an environment where their children can explore new ideas and concepts while still feeling safe. Innovative Thinkers tend to have a hands-off parenting style, trusting that their children will learn from experience and making minimal interventions. This can sometimes lead to Innovative Thinkers being seen as uninvolved or neglectful, but ultimately they are just giving their children the space they need to develop into autonomous adults.

Spirit Animal


Clever, adaptable, and curious, these beautiful lizards capture some of the brain-power and critical thinking skills common of Innovative Thinkers! They have shown an ability to count, problem-solve, and modify their learning depending on their environment. Some herpetologists believe that anoles are so intelligent and quick to learn because they’ve lived in complex environments where insects are difficult to capture.  Like Innovative Thinkers, they adapt to their environment and find innovative, creative ways to stay at the top of their game.