The Independent Craftsman
The Independent Craftsman

People with this personality type tend to be practical and logical. They are often interested in how things work and are often very good at problem-solving. As the name suggests, Independent Craftsmen are often independent and prefer to work alone. They can sometimes be seen as aloof or detached, but this is usually just because they prefer to keep to themselves.  

Independent Craftsmen are often good at things like mechanics or individual sports (like golf & tennis). They usually enjoy being in the moment and embracing whatever comes their way.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Introverted individuals focus their attention internally (often day-dreaming or in deep thought). As excessive external stimulation can be draining, these individuals often seek out calmer and more isolated environments.


Observant individuals interpret the world through their five senses. As such they are extremely practical and down to earth. They also are highly experiential and learn from their previous mistakes and successes.


Thinking individuals value logic and reasoning over emotions and feelings. They understand how things connect to each other. The less tangible aspects of their day can be difficult for thinkers to fit into their rational equations of life.


Prospecting individuals are highly adaptable and don’t like to be closed into a box. They prefer to have flexibility and the opportunity for spontaneous creation and exploration.


People with the Independent Craftsman personality type are often described as quiet, reserved, and independent. They typically prefer to work alone and are not interested in small talk. They are often good at problem-solving and can be quick thinkers. Additionally, they tend to be interested in a variety of topics and like to learn new things. Independent Craftsmen often have a wide circle of friends because they are so easy to get along with. Additionally, people with this personality type tend to be good at convincing others to see things their way. They are natural leaders that can sometimes use their charm to get what they want.

  • Adventurous
  • Braves
  • Spontaneous
  • Curious
  • Independent
  • Resourceful
  • Quick, and witty


They are independent and analytical, but this can also make them seem cold and uncaring. They may have a hard time opening up to others and letting them in. You may come across as detached and aloof, even to those who know you well. You may also have a difficult time express your emotions, resulting in misunderstandings with others. Another downside of the Independent Craftsman personality is that they are often impatient and impulsive. They may have a hard time sticking with anything for long, resulting in unfinished projects and goals. Independent Craftsman may also be accident-prone due to their impulsive nature.

  • Impulsiveness
  • Lack of planning
  • Recklessness
  • Thrill-seeking behavior
  • Disorganization


Independent Craftsmen are interested in hands-on activities and tend to do well in careers that allow them to use their physical abilities. They also enjoy learning new skills, and are happiest when they can see a practical use for what they are learning. Independent Craftsman like variety in their work, and prefer work environments where they can be active and engaged. They dislike having someone else dictate how they should do things, preferring instead to have some degree of control over their own work.

AN Independent Craftsman may do well in roles that involve:  

  • Hands-on activities
  • Variety
  • Control over their own work

Work with others

Independent Craftsmen are typically analytical, and they often prefer to work alone. This can make it difficult for them to work with others, but when they do, Independent Craftsmen are usually very effective. They are good at quickly understanding the task at hand and figuring out the most efficient way to complete it. They also tend to be resourceful and adaptable, which allows them to work well in a variety of situations.

Avoid these professions

Independent Craftsmen may want to avoid certain professions due to their natural tendencies and preferences. Professions that may be a poor fit for them include those with a lot of rules and regulations, high-stress environments, or those that require an extensive amount of people interaction.

Some of the careers below should cause an Independent Craftsman to pause before jumping in.  

  • Medicine  
  • Law  
  • Banking/Finance  
  • Human Resources


Independent Craftsmen are problem-solvers who love a good challenge. They thrive in relationships that allow for plenty of space and freedom. For the Independent Craftsman, the perfect partner is someone who is supportive but also respects their need for independence. They are attracted to people who are active and enjoy spending time outdoors; doing things rather than talking about them. They place a high value on trust and honesty within relationships, and despise conflict or drama.

Parenting style

Parents with this personality type are typically laid back and often have a "go with the flow" approach to parenting. They are usually very hands-on, letting their children explore and experiment in a safe and supervised environment. Independent Craftsman parents value self-reliance in their children, so they may not enforce rigid rules or expectations. Instead, they let their children develop their own sense of right and wrong as they grow. This can sometimes lead to their kids feeling like they can get away with more than other types of parents, but ultimately it allows them to learn from their own experiences.

Spirit Animal


Resourceful, intelligent, independent – the raven shares many of the strengths of the Independent Craftsman. Like this personality type, ravens are excellent problem-solvers and masters with tools. Some ravens solve puzzles, trick other animals into helping them out, and communicate with each other at a level even apes can't match. When a raven dies, the other ravens will gather around the raven to find out what killed the member. Then, they will band together and chase predators down in a behavior called “mobbing. ”Their cleverness, curiosity, and craftsmanship abilities remind us of the Independent Craftsman intellect.