The Commanding Director
The Commanding Director

People with the Commanding Director personality type tend to be confident, analytical, and ambitious. They are often natural leaders, and enjoy taking charge of both people and projects. Commanding Directors are typically strategic thinkers, and are always looking for ways to improve systems and processes.    

Commanding Directors are often quick decision makers, and are not afraid of taking risks. This can sometimes lead to impulsive behavior, but Commanding Directors are usually able to justify their actions with logic and reason. They are also very persuasive, and can often convince others to see things their way.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Extraverted individuals focus their attention out into the world. They are stimulated and brought to life through their interactions with others and their environments. They are often more excitable than their introverted counterparts.


Intuitive individuals see the world through various perspectives and imagine what could be as much as what there is. Their curiosity and imagination allow them to see possibilities others may not. 


Thinking individuals value logic and reasoning over emotions and feelings. They understand how things connect to each other. The less tangible aspects of their day can be difficult for thinkers to fit into their rational equations of life.


udging individuals make decisions and move forward. They are direct, organized and diligent. They prefer clear goals and structured environments. 


People with the Commanding Director personality type like to see things done efficiently and effectively. They take a logical, systematic approach to problem solving and are often quick thinkers. Commanding Directors are natural leaders; they are confident and articulate, and they have a clear vision of what needs to be done. People often look to Commanding Directors for guidance and direction because they seem to know what they're doing. Additionally, Commanding Directors are usually good at multitasking and keeping track of many moving parts simultaneously. They may sometimes come across as bossy or overbearing because of their desire to get things done quickly and efficiently.

  • Strategic
  • Direct
  • Confident
  • Efficient
  • Resourceful
  • Passionate


The Commanding Director personality type is known for their decisive nature, but this can sometimes be interpreted as bossiness. They may tend to take charge and make decisions without always considering the input of others. This can lead to conflict, especially in work environments where democratic processes are valued.Their directness may also be experienced as harshness, especially when delivering criticism. They may have difficulty empathizing with others, especially when a person is not meeting their high standards. This lack of empathy can make it difficult to build relationships based on trust and mutual understanding.

  • self-righteous
  • insensitive
  • impatient
  • bossy
  • domineering
  • opinionated
  • know-it-all


Commanding Directors need to be in charge and thrive in environments where they can take charge and make things happen. They are natural leaders, but also like to be able to get their hands dirty and do the work themselves. Commanding Directors like to learn new things and are good at taking complex information and breaking it down into manageable chunks. They enjoy challenges and are often not happy unless they feel like they are constantly pushing themselves to the limit.

Commanding Directors may do well in roles that involve:

  • Leadership
  • Entrepreneurism

Work with others

Commanding Directors are natural leaders, and they are often very successful at getting others to buy into their vision. They are good at organizing and planning, and they have a strong desire to achieve their goals. Commanding Directors also have a lot of energy and enthusiasm, which helps them motivate others. However, Commanding Directors can also be quite demanding, and they can be a bit impatient with those who don’t share their same level of intensity.

Avoid these professions

While Commanding Directors can be successful in a wide range of careers, there are a few occupations that we would caution them about. Commanding Directors may not enjoy highly social or people-oriented professions, and may feel stifled in restrictive environments. Careers that require a high degree of creativity may also be a poor fit for Commanding Directors. Some of the careers below might cause a Commanding Director to second-guess their decision to enter into them.

  • Acting  
  • Sales  
  • Graphic Design  
  • Fashion Design


Commanding Directors are known as the generals of the world. They often have a clear plan and know how to get things done. In their relationships they want someone who is able to keep up with their fast-paced lifestyle and hold their own in conversations. They appreciate intelligence and ambition in their partner and want someone who can handle themselves professionally. Commanding Directors can be demanding partners at times, but ultimately they are looking for somebody that they can trust implicitly and who shares their same values.

Parenting style

Commanding Director parents are typically proactive and visionary, planning their children's lives out in advance and striving for excellence. They may be seen as demanding and perfectionistic, expecting their children to meet high standards in all areas of their lives. Commanding Directors typically have a very hands-off parenting style, delegating responsibilities to teachers, coaches and other caregivers. They believe in giving their children the freedom to find their own way in life, while providing guidance and support along the way. This can sometimes result in Commanding Directors being seen as overly critical or uninvolved but they ultimately have the best interests of their children at heart.

Spirit Animal


Self-sufficient, determined, and insightful about their prey – cheetahs capture the restless, ambitious spirit of the Commanding Director. Known to be hard-working and somewhat impatient, Commanding Directors would appreciate that cheetahs are the fastest land animals in the world – sometimes reaching 112km/h in just three seconds! Like Commanding Directors, cheetahs also value autonomy, freedom, and a prepared responsiveness to life.