The Imaginative Inventor
The Imaginative Inventor

People with the Imaginative Inventor personality type tend to be charming, innovative, and spontaneous. They are quick thinkers and are always looking for new opportunities. Imaginative Inventors are also known for being very persuasive. They enjoy debating and arguing with others, and are always up for a good challenge.  

Imaginative Inventors are often described as "the debaters" of the personality world. They are constantly seeking out new ideas and perspectives, and love to explore different options and possibilities. Imaginative Inventors are also very good at seeing both sides of every issue, which can make them seem like they're fence-sitters. But in reality, they're just open-minded and flexible people who like to keep their options open.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Extraverted individuals focus their attention out into the world. They are stimulated and brought to life through their interactions with others and their environments. They are often more excitable than their introverted counterparts.


Intuitive individuals see the world through various perspectives and imagine what could be as much as what there is. Their curiosity and imagination allow them to see possibilities others may not.


Thinking individuals value logic and reasoning over emotions and feelings. They understand how things connect to each other. The less tangible aspects of their day can be difficult for thinkers to fit into their rational equations of life.


Prospecting individuals are highly adaptable and don’t like to be closed into a box. They prefer to have flexibility and the opportunity for spontaneous creation.


People with the Imaginative Inventor personality type like to explore new ideas and possibilities. They are curious and love to learn new things. They are also good at seeing relationships between different concepts. Imaginative Inventors often enjoy debating and challenging others to think about things in new ways. They can be very persuasive when they want to be. Additionally, people with this personality type are usually good at coming up with creative solutions to problems. They are often described as charming, outgoing, and witty.

  • Inventive
  • Imaginative
  • Intellectual
  • Flexible
  • Creative
  • Innovative
  • Quick
  • Witted


Imaginative Inventors are known for their charismatic and spontaneous nature, but this can also be a double-edged sword. Their impulsivity can often result in acting before thinking, which can lead to hasty decisions with negative consequences. They may also find themselves biting off more than they can chew in both their personal and professional life. Imaginative Inventors can have difficulty finishing projects because they become bored easily and move on to the next shiny object. This same need for stimulation can make it hard for them to stick to routine tasks or follow set rules and regulations. Their natural curiosity can also come across as nosiness to others, especially when they start asking personal questions before getting to know someone.

  • Lack of focus
  • Easily distracted
  • Disorganized
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive


Imaginative Inventors need variety and new challenges to keep them engaged and interested. They are idea-oriented people who are constantly coming up with new possibilities, and they enjoy exploring these possibilities. Imaginative Inventors thrive in environments where they can be creative and have some level of control over their own destiny. They are also highly adaptable, meaning they can adjust easily to new situations or changes in their environment. This makes them well-suited for careers that require a lot of change and/or unpredictability.

Imaginative Inventors may do well roles that involve:  

  • Creativity/ innovation
  • Lots of change or unpredictability
  • Independence and control over their own work

Work with others

The Imaginative Inventor personality types are creative and analytical, and they often have a lot of big ideas. They are good at coming up with innovative solutions to problems, and they enjoy working with others to come up with new ways of doing things. Imaginative Inventors are also good at persuading others and can be very convincing when it comes to their ideas. However, they also have a tendency to be restless and can be easily bored if things become too routine.

Avoid these professions

While Imaginative Inventors have the ability to excel in many different professions, there are a few that they may want to avoid. Imaginative Inventors may find themselves feeling stifled or bored in professions that require them to follow rules and procedures without deviation. They also may not enjoy highly competitive or confrontational environments.

Some of the careers below might be a poor fit for Imaginative Inventors:

  • Engineering
  • Medicine  
  • Law  
  • Banking  
  • Management


Imaginative Inventors are often drawn to relationships with people who are intelligent and quick-witted. They enjoy the give and take of intellectual conversations and activities. Imaginative Inventors also appreciate partners who are independent and resourceful; someone who isn't afraid to take on new challenges. These type of partnerships can be a lot of fun as they provide plenty of excitement and novelty. However, Imaginative Inventors can become quickly frustrated if their partner fails to keep up with their intellectually curious nature or becomes too clingy or needy.

Parenting style

Imaginative Inventors parents tend to approach parenting with a sense of playfulness and spontaneity that is often missing in more structured parenting styles. They believe in giving their children the space to explore and experiment, trusting that they will learn from their mistakes. This can sometimes lead to Imaginative Inventor parents being seen as too permissive, but in reality they just want their children to be happy and confident. Imaginative Inventors also enjoy engaging their children in stimulating conversation and using their intuition to help guide them through life's challenges.

Spirit Animal


Intelligent, innovative, and adventurous – chimpanzees embody many of the strengths of the Imaginative Inventor personality type. They creatively build, invent games, enjoy playing, and have complex social relationships. Their innovative nature gives them the capacity to create their own spears to hunt for prey or even use long branches to dig for termites. This ability to adapt to their environment, be resourceful, and communicate with others in their troop reminds us of the sociability and imaginative intelligence of the Imaginative Inventor.