The Gentle Artist
The Gentle Artist

People with the Gentle Artist personality type tend to be creative, sensitive, and compassionate. They enjoy spending time alone or with a small group of close friends and are often drawn to the arts. Gentle Artists are often very in tune with their emotions and can be seen as compassionate and understanding people.

Gentle Artists are often described as being "in the moment" and living life according to their own values and principles. This can sometimes lead to them being seen as inflexible or stubborn, but Gentle Artists generally just believe strongly in their view and are unwilling to compromise.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Introverted individuals focus their attention internally (often day-dreaming or in deep thought). As excessive external stimulation can be draining, these individuals often seek out calmer and more isolated environments.


Observant individuals interpret the world through their five senses. As such they are extremely practical and down to earth. They also are highly experiential and learn from their previous mistakes and successes.


Feeling individuals value the emotional aspects of humanity and nature. They are highly empathetic and aware of those around them. They will often sacrifice their goals to ensure harmony in the community.


Prospecting individuals are highly adaptable and don’t like to be closed into a box. They prefer to have flexibility and the opportunity for spontaneous creation and exploration.


People with the Gentle Artist personality type are typically creative, sensitive, and compassionate. They are often good at art or music and enjoy expressing themselves through these outlets. Gentle Artists are usually loyal to their friends and family and can be counted on in a time of need. They live in the moment and enjoy experiencing new things. Additionally, people with this personality type tend to be good at reading other people's emotions which makes them excellent communicators. They are good at listening to others and offering emotional support.

  • Introspective
  • Observant
  • Compassionate
  • Loyal
  • Adaptable
  • Hardworking
  • Humble
  • Helpful


Gentle Artists are creative souls who often have a hard time conforming to the expectations of society. They may find themselves at odds with authority figures or anyone who tries to tell them what to do. They value their independence and freedom above all else, which can sometimes make them seem selfish or uncooperative. Gentle Artists may have a hard time sticking to plans or commitments, as they prefer to go with the flow and follow their heart. This can make them seem flaky or unreliable to others. They may also have a tendency to hold onto grudges and resentments. Gentle Artists may find it difficult to forgive and forget, which can damage their relationships.

  • Withdrawn
  • Aloof
  • Unassertive
  • Low drive for wealth or power
  • Disinterested in conventional goals


Gentle Artists need freedom and because of this they tend to do better in work/ learning environments that have minimal rules and a lot of flexibility. When learning new things, Gentle Artists do best when the material is creative and expressive. They enjoy hands-on experiences and using their senses to learn. Abstract and theoretical information has little value to them UNLESS they can see some type of practical use for it. Gentle Artists may put tremendous energy into projects they believe are valuable, but they will also avoid things that they view as useless or impractical to minimize wasting their time and energy.  

Gentle Artists do well in roles that are:  

  • Unstructured
  • Flexible
  • Creative/ expressive
  • Hands-on

Work with others

Gentle Artists are usually quite good at getting along with others, and they often have a lot of friends. They are usually very considerate of the feelings of others, and they work hard to maintain harmony in their relationships. Gentle Artists often have a strong sense of aesthetic, which leads them to be creative and expressive in their interactions with others. They often use humor and playfulness to lighten the mood and keep things from getting too serious.

Avoid these professions

Gentle Artists should avoid professions that are high-stress, highly structured, or require a lot of interaction with others. They may prefer creative pursuits or working behind the scenes in smaller organizations.

Some potential career paths to avoid include:

  • Law  
  • Medicine  
  • Banking  
  • Business Administration  
  • Accounting


Gentle Artists are often quiet and private individuals who maintain a small circle of close friends. They are highly individualistic in their approach to life, which often extends into their relationships as well. Gentle Artists prize authenticity and individuality in their partners, valuing honesty and openness above all else. They want someone with whom they can share experiences and connect on a deep level; someone they can trust implicitly. They can be shy when it comes to initiating romantic interactions, but once they do they often prove to be warm and devoted partners.

Parenting style

Gentle Artist parents are gentle and supportive, often taking a hands-off approach to parenting. They believe in letting their children explore and learn from their own experiences. Gentle Artist parents are usually very accepting and nurturing, valuing creativity and emotional expression. They often have strong connections with their children and enjoy being around them. Gentle Artists sometimes struggle with setting boundaries for their children, which can result in some chaos. However, they ultimately want what is best for their children and will be there for them when they need them.

Spirit Animal


Elusive, empathetic, and striking – the leopard captures the enigmatic nature of the Gentle Artist. Like Gentle Artists, these big cats enjoy their solitude but have an unusual empathy for other creatures at times. During a National Geographic program called ‘Eye of the Leopard’, a wild leopard killed a baboon in order to feed herself. However, once she noticed the infant baboon clinging to its mother, she groomed and cuddled the baby throughout the night as if it were her own cub.  Like the Gentle Artist, the leopard is cunning, resourceful, and likes its space and alone time.