The Idealistic Dreamer
The Idealistic Dreamer

People with the Idealistic Dreamer personality type tend to be creative, compassionate, and idealistic. They are often drawn to causes that they are passionate about and can be very committed to making the world a better place.

Idealistic Dreamers are also often very introspective and can spend a lot of time considering their own values and beliefs. Idealistic Dreamers are often described as being in touch with their emotions and being very compassionate. They can sometimes be seen as overly idealistic or even naïve, but Idealistic Dreamers generally just want to make the world a better place.

Breaking down your traits

Once you better understand your traits, you will be able to foresee and avoid frustrating situations, find stimulating journeys and learn how to become your truest self.


Introverted individuals focus their attention internally (often day-dreaming or in deep thought). As excessive external stimulation can be draining, these individuals often seek out calmer and more isolated environments.


Intuitive individuals see the world through various perspectives and imagine what could be as much as what is there. Their curiosity and imagination allow them to see possibilities others may not. 


Feeling individuals value the emotional aspects of humanity and nature. They are highly empathetic and aware of those around them and will often sacrifice their own goals to ensure harmony in the community.


Prospecting individuals are highly adaptable and don’t like to be closed into a box. They prefer to have flexibility and the opportunity for spontaneous creation. 


Idealistic Dreamers are imaginative, creative people who have a strong sense of personal values. They are often compassionate and caring, and they have a deep appreciation for art and beauty. Idealistic Dreamers are typically good at writing and other forms of self-expression. They may sometimes seem introspective or dreamy because they spend so much time in their own inner world. Additionally, Idealistic Dreamers often have strong intuitive powers and can be very insightful. They may be shy or hesitant to assert themselves, but they are usually kind-hearted and well-meaning individuals.

  • Creative
  • Imaginative
  • Idealistic
  • Inspiring
  • Romantic
  • Empathic
  • Flexible
  • Open-minded


Idealistic Dreamers are gentle and compassionate people, but this same trait can also be seen as weak or submissive. They may have a hard time standing up for themselves or asserting their needs. They may be overly forgiving or accommodating, even when it’s not in their best interest. Idealistic Dreamers may also have a tendency to idealize people and relationships, which can lead to disappointment when reality doesn’t live up to their expectations. Another downside of the Idealistic Dreamer personality is that they are easily overwhelmed by strong emotions. They may have a hard time dealing with conflict or criticism. They may also withdraw from people and situations that are too challenging or overwhelming.

  • Self-doubt
  • Overthinking
  • Procrastination
  • Lack of confidence
  • Perfectionism
  • Sensitivity


Idealistic Dreamers need to feel that their work is meaningful and important in order to be happy and fulfilled. They want to know that they are making a difference in the world and helping others in some way. They often have strong values which they hold dear, and they seek work that is in line with these values. Idealistic Dreamers enjoy working on projects with a personal meaning to them, and they are often very creative in their approach to problem-solving.  

Idealistic Dreamers may do well in roles that involve:

  • Work that supports humanitarian causes or has a personal meaning
  • Creative or expressive careers such as writing, art, music, design
  • Careers requiring high levels of creativity and imagination

Work with others

Idealistic Dreamers have a strong sense of personal values, and they often want to work with people who share these values. They are usually good at empathizing with others, and they often use this ability to find common ground with others. Idealistic Dreamers also tend to be creative and idealistic, which can be a valuable asset during the early stages of a project. However, they can also be somewhat passive when it comes to taking action, so they may need someone else to help them move things forward.

Avoid these professions

While many occupations are a great fit for an Idealistic Dreamer:, there are some that we would recommend they avoid. Idealistic Dreamers may not enjoy working in high-stress or competitive environments, and may find it difficult to conform to the rules and structure often found in certain professions.

Some of the careers below can be challenging for Idealistic Dreamers:

  • Investment Banking  
  • Sales  
  • Management  
  • Law


Idealistic Dreamers are creative idealists who approach life and relationships with a great deal of passion and compassion. They want to find someone with whom they can share their innermost thoughts and feelings, and for whom they can be a true partner. Idealistic Dreamers often feel misunderstood by others, so it is important for them to find someone who sees them for who they truly are. They want a relationship that is both loving and supportive; one in which they can grow together as individuals. Idealistic Dreamers bring warmth, gentleness and creativity into any relationship they are in.

Parenting style

Idealistic Dreamer parents often put a lot of thought into how they want to raise their children. They seek to create an environment where their children can grow and develop in a way that is true to themselves. Idealistic Dreamers are accepting and supportive, but will also stand up for what they believe in. They want their children to be independent and creative, as well as compassionate and responsible. Many times Idealistic Dreamer parents find themselves struggling between wanting to give their children the freedom to explore and grow on their own, and wanting to shelter them from the harshness of the world. Ultimately, Idealistic Dreamer parents just want what is best for their children and they will always be there for them no matter what.

Spirit Animal


Compassionate, wise, and even sentimental, we couldn’t imagine a better fit for the Idealistic Dreamers personality type. These gentle giants are one of the only animals that show a great capacity for empathy. Researchers have watched female elephants help baby elephants climb up muddy banks or out of holes. They’ve seen elephants assisting others that are injured, pulling out tranquilizer darts, or even spraying dust on each other’s wounds. These empathic animals even mourn their dead and comfort other elephants that are mourning. On top of this, elephants are creative – they work together to solve puzzles and can even paint portraits!